Mentorship Program
West Michigan is home to a community of fundraisers and development officers who have seen tremendous growth in the nonprofit sector. To strengthen our profession and continue to build relationships in our field, AFPWM offers a Members-Only Mentorship Program.
Applications are open! See below to fill out the applications.
2024-25 Mentorship Program Kick-Off ‘Happy Hour’ event will be October 16 at 3:30pm. More details to come!

Program Purpose
This program is designed to pair early-career development professionals (Mentee) with one of the chapter’s seasoned development professionals (Mentor) in a one-year relationship to train and advance the career skills of the Mentee and provide an opportunity for Mentors to share their experience and knowledge.
To strengthen the Chapter and the fundraising profession, and thereby the non-profit sector, through:
- furthering the skill base and proficiency of professional fundraisers in AFPWM
- re-engaging senior-level fundraising professionals increasing interaction between different experience bases in the Chapter
- building strength within the Chapter through education and development of future leaders
- strengthen the value of AFP membership, locally & globally

There is no charge to participate in the Mentorship Program. Both participants must be current members of the AFP West Michigan Chapter, work in the nonprofit sector as development professionals and be in good standing in our community. All communications within the Mentee/Mentor relationship should be respectful and confidential.
Mentees and Mentors must complete an application to participate in the program. Applications must be submitted by September 8th to ensure the Mentorship Committee has time to review and pair Mentees with Mentors.
Mentors will be eligible to receive Service Learning points toward CFRE re-certification.
Applications due by September 13th
Mentor/Mentee pairings announced the week of September 23
Mentorship Program Kick-Off ‘Happy Hour’ event – October 16 Mentor/Mentee first meetings scheduled
Attend National Philanthropy Day together. on 11/13
Attend AFPWM Holiday Luncheon together. 12/6
January - May
Meet regularly
Mentorship Program wrap-up event. Complete evaluation of the program.
Mentorship Relationship
The relationship is meant to be career specific and is not to be used or construed in any way as a consulting relationship. Mentors are encouraged to recommend appropriate resources i.e. courses, workshops, educational opportunities, vendors or consultants.
It is recommended the Mentor and Mentee advise their employers that they intend to participate in the Program. Mentors and Mentees will recognize that some information they share about their organizations is confidential in nature.
The Mentorship Chair and Committee will assign pairings, taking into consideration the goals and objectives of the Mentee and the professional expertise of the Mentor. The effectiveness of mentoring is linked to the amount of time that a Mentor and Mentee work together. The proximity of Mentor and Mentee will be considered when matching so that every effort can be made to meet face-to-face.
The Mentorship Committe will check in at three months to ensure both parties are meeting and that the match is a good fit. If at any time during the Mentor/Mentee relationship it is determined by one or both parties that the match should be terminated for any reason, neither party will be found at fault and both may re-enter the Mentor/Mentee pool to be matched with another party. Either party is expected to submit a letter of resignation to the Mentorship Chair if they are no longer able to continue with the program.
Questions can be directed to the Mentorship Committee Co-Chairs: Kristin Long at Kristin.Long@corewellhealth.